September 11th 2019
WSAC Ibex accepts all NKBV issued climbing certificates for sport climbing, Indoor Toprope (IT), Indoor Voorklimmen (IV) (indoor lead), Outdoor Voorklimmen (OV) (outdoor lead) and Adventure Klimmen (AK) (adventure climbing), as valid climbing certificates to join the association. The K2 and K3 certificates, issued by many Dutch climbing gyms, are sufficient to become a member. Other certificates are usually not accepted because the standards are different from those determined by the NKBV.
To become a member, you need to comply with the following 4 requirements:
We will activate your account on the website as soon as the before mentioned requirements have been met or when we believe the requirements will be met soon enough. This is up to the board (and more specifically, it is the job of the secretary).
For more information on how to become a member, go to our Membership page.